Private Tutoring to Propel Results
Get the Best for Your Child
Get in Touch to Book a free Consultation with Callum Downey
Our Tutors
What Sets us Apart?
Connections to ATAR teachers
Through our time both studying and tutoring at Hale School, all three of us have established strong relationships with teachers from a variety of departments at the institution. These relationships bolster our abilities with the addition of relevant professional opinions, as well as up to date educational materials. Because of this, we offer a uniquely holistic understanding of exactly what your child is studying.
We Know ATAR
All tutors at CD Learning graduated from high school within the last two years, meaning that we are acutely aware of how best to navigate the modern ATAR system. The subjects that we found success in are still fresh in our memory; the assessments we completed will be similar (if not identical) to the ones undertaken by your child. We believe the field of tutoring is just as much about knowing the intricacies of the educational framework as it is understanding the subjects themselves, and with CD Learning, we guarantee both.
Three Voices - Cover for your Sessions
Every tutor has subtle idiosyncrasies in tutoring style, and this means that some may be better suited to a specific individual than others. At CD learning, thorough consideration over which of our tutors best suits your child’s needs takes place first. With a variety of firsthand experiences to pull from, we work together on a weekly basis to come up with the most helpful strategies and methods for each client’s specific circumstances. Additionally, if your primary tutor is sick or otherwise unavailable, you will have access to other options that ensure your child doesn't miss a crucial session.
Help Beyond ATAR
We’ve been through the stress of student life ourselves and understand it deeply. We're always here to listen, offer support, and guide you through the challenges.
Additionally, all tutors at CD Learning have begun their journey into tertiary education, gaining a familiarity with its own intricacies. We can easily help your child with the preparation for their own university degree – how to apply, which course to choose, differences between universities – and are eager to give various tips that will ease the process. Using our services will provide you and your child with free access to genuine advice on all these topics, allowing for a smoother transition into life after school.
How CD Learning came to be:
My private tutoring journey began in 2024, initially consisting of a single subject with a single client, alongside my work most days at Hale School’s Forrest Library. Through both these occupations I quickly realised the passion I had for tutoring, and client feedback showed that I was successful at getting the best out of my students. This lead to an unexpected and rapid growth in clients, and by the end of the year, my calendar was overfilled with sessions for the 7 students I was teaching. In an attempt to satisfy the demand for my tutoring services, I have decided to take two new, trusted tutors under my wing, training them in a variety of ways until I feel confident that their abilities exceed my high standards. CD learning is the extension of my practice into the capable, eager hands of these fellow tutors.